How do I deposit?
If your assets are on Ethereum L1, make sure to bridge them over to Arbitrum (an Ethereum L2)
We recommend the official Arbitrum bridge for deposits
Keep in mind you can only deposit USDC or ETH in Lemma
Click on any of the "Connect Wallet" buttons on the Lemma website
After connecting to your wallet, click on "Change Network" and confirm the switch
Enter an amount of ETH or USDC you would like to deposit
Keep in mind that if you deposit ETH you will lose all price exposure to it (ie. you are essentially selling your ETH for USD)
Depositing ETH is cheaper than depositing USDC
If your wallet has been whitelisted & you are not a resident of a "Prohibited Jurisdiction" then you will be see "View terms & enable deposits"
Click on the "View terms & enable deposits" button & read the ToS and the Risk page
Click on "Deposit", confirm the transaction on your wallet and you'll be good to go!
Last updated
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